时 间:2021年10月22日20 : 00 - 21 : 50
地 点: 东十二楼202
报告人:CaterinaVozzi教授 (意大利国家研究委员会)
邀请人: 彭家晖 教授
Ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy allows the study of light-matter interaction with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution with the further advantages of being element-selective and oxidation- and spin-state specific. The investigation of the properties of core electrons at ultrafast time scales promises to enlighten the dynamics occurring in complex materials. I will introduce high order harmonic generation andattosecondsources and present recent developments inattosecondsoft-X spectroscopy based on tabletop sources.
CaterinaVozziis Research Director of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). She leads the Ultrafast Molecular Imaging group at the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies. She obtained her PhD in Physics fromUniversitàdegliStudidi Milano in 2005. She was hired as a Research Officer by CNR in 2009. In 2010 she spent a year as a visiting scientist in the group of Prof. PaulCorkumat theSteacieInstitute for Molecular Sciences of the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa. Her research interests focuses on atomic and molecular physics, and in particular on the physics and applications of high-order harmonic generation in noble gases, molecules and clusters, in the generation and characterization of isolatedattosecondpulses, in high-order harmonic spectroscopy and in the development of high energy parametric sources for strong field applications.
Fundamentals of Photonics是一门面向一年级研究生开设的全英文专业基础课程。课程采用国际通行教材,讲述光子学的基础知识,包括电磁场理论、光的量子特性、光与原子分子相互作用、非线性光学和超快光学等内容。学期末将邀请光子学领域的专家作Guest Lecture介绍相关领域的科技前沿及最新进展。