主 题:
Advanced IC Chip Packaging past, present, & future )
时 间: 2019 年 9月 2 日 16 : 00 - 17: 00
地 点:
郭跃进 博士, 南方科技大学
余国义、王超 研究员
As IC Design Technology moves to less than 10nm process nodes, and the Moore`s Law near Critical Point of Microelectronics Technology or stops. To improve the IC performance, the packaging becomes more important. Here we will review advanced packaging history: from ceramic to organic, from wire-bonding to flip-chip, and to current Fan-Out packaging, 2.5D, and 3D packaging challenges
郭跃进 博士 研究教授 2018年加入南方科技大学深港微电子学院。1992年在加州理工大学(Caltech)获得的博士学位,导师是美国加州理工学院教授、美国科学院院士William Goddard。然后作为博士后研究员在洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室工作。之后,他在英特尔工作了二十多年。郭博士在《科学》杂志上发表了两篇文章,在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇文章,在《国家科学院学报》上发表了一篇文章。他参与并领导了英特尔的先进封装技术,如倒装芯片和基于有机材料的封装。现在,几乎所有英特尔的高级CPU都安装在郭博士开发的软件包中。
Dr. Yuejin GUO is a research professor in Hong-Kong Microelectronics College of Southern University of Science and Technology at Shenzhen since 2018.He received Ph.D. degree from Caltech under William GODDARD (Professor of California Institute of Technology and Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA) in 1992, then He worked at Los Alamos National Lab as a postdoctoral research fellow. After that, he worked at Intel for over twenty years. Dr. Guo published two articles in Science, one article in Nature, and one article in PNAS. He participated in and then led Intel’s advanced packaging technologies such as flip chip and organic material-based packaging. Now almost all Intel’s advanced CPUs are housed in the packages developed by Dr. Guo.