邓磊,男,1985年出生,华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院讲师、硕士生导师。2006年、2008年和2012年在华中科技大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位,随后留校任教于华中科技大学。2010年获得国家留学基金委资助以联合培养博士生的身份赴丹麦科技大学光电工程学院进行为期1.5年的研究。现为光学与电子信息学院光通信与光网络系青年骨干。在国家863、973等项目及工信部产业化项目的资助下,邓磊老师一直致力于下一代光接入网及光纤无线融合技术的研究工作,包括相干光通信技术、毫米波通信技术、微波光子学技术和高速数字信号处理技术等。目前发表SCI学术论文15篇,其中以第一作者身份先后在Optics Express、IEEE Photonics Technology Letters和Progress In Electromagnetics Research上发表多篇高水平论文。取得的主要研究成果体现在:
1. 现有无线通信技术已无法满足用户日益增长的带宽需求,针对这个问题,提出了基于光纤无线融合技术及W-band毫米波通信技术以实现高速、大容量和远距离的室内无线覆盖方案。系统框图如图1所示,此系统融合光正交频分复用技术和电正交频分复用技术,以低成本的光拍频生毫米波方案实现了速率为42.13Gb/s、载频为87GHz的16QAM-OFDM信号在光纤和无线中的高性能传输。同时,此系统还提出了一种改进性的信道与相位噪声抑制算法,实现了对光纤和无线混合信道及激光器相位噪声的有效抑制。相关成果发表在PIER, 126: 449-461, 2012和PTL, 24(5): 383-385, 2012。
2. 为了在已商用的低载频无线通信系统(如WiFi和LTE等)实现>Gb/s的无线宽带业务,本系统创新地在WDM-PON系统中引入了光偏振复用(PDM)技术和无线多入多出(MIMO)技术,并利用正交频分复用(OFDM)调制技术良好的对抗色散及无线多径衰落特性,成功地将速率为1.59Gb/s、载频为5GHz的无线信号传输了22.8km单模光纤和1m无线距离,系统误码率性能图如图2所示。相关成果发表在Optics Express, 20(4): 4369-4375, 2012。
3. 随着用户对高清视频等大带宽业务的迫切需求,建立PON内ONU之间高效的虚拟局域网已刻不容缓,然而基于现有PON内多点控制协议(MPCP)的ONU业务互通模式存在着效率低、时延大和带宽小等缺点。针对这些问题,本系统创新地提出了EPON内ONU互通的实现方案,并基于副载波调制技术和OFDMA技术,实现了ONU互通业务的高效、大带宽、低时延传送。相关成果发表在Optical Fiber Technology, 17: 554-557,2011。
[1] Lei Deng, Deming Liu, Xiaodan Pang, Xu Zhang, Valeria Arlunno, Ying Zhao, Antonio Caballero Jambrina, Anton K. Dogadaev, Xianbin Yu, IdelfonsoTafurMonroy, Marta Beltran, and Roberto Llorente. 42.13 Gbit/s 16QAM-OFDM Photonics-Wireless Transmission in 75-110 GHz Band. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2012, 126: 449~461
[2] Lei Deng, Xiaodan Pang, Ying Zhao, MaisaraBinti Othman, JesperBevensee Jensen, DarkoZibar, Xianbin Yu, Deming Liu, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. 2x2 MIMO-OFDM Gigabit Fiber-Wireless Access System Based on Polarization Division Multiplexed WDM-PON. Opt. Express, 2012, 20(4): 4369~4375
[3] Lei Deng, Marta Beltran, Xiaodan Pang, Xu Zhang, Valeria Arlunno, Ying Zhao, Antonio Caballero Jambrina, Anton K. Dogadaev, Xianbin Yu, Roberto Llorente, Deming Liu, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Fiber Wireless Transmission of 8.3-Gb/s/ch QPSK-OFDM Signals in 75-110 GHz Band. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2012, 24(5): 383~385
[4] Lei Deng, Ying Zhao, Xianbin Yu, Valeria Arlunno, Robert Borkowski, Deming Liu, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Experimental Demonstration of an Improved EPON Architecture Using OFDMA for Bandwidth Scalable LAN Emulation. Opt. Fiber Technol., 2011, 17(6): 554-557
[5] Lei Deng, Minming Zhang, Deming Liu, YinboQian, and Kang Yang. OFDMA-Based LAN Emulation in Long-Reach Hybrid PON System. Opt. Commun., 2011, 284(3): 740~746
[6] 邓磊, 张敏明, 刘德明, 钱银博. 基于OFDMA的TDM-PON ONUs互通系统. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 38(9): 5~9
[7] Lei Deng, Ying Zhao, Xianbin Yu, Valeria Arlunno, Robert Borkowski, Deming Liu, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Expreimental Demonstration of a Bandwidth LAN Emulation over EPON Employing OFDMA. Proceeding of 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2011, 1~2
[8] Lei Deng, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Pang, Xianbin Yu, JesperBevensee Jensen, Deming Liu, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Colorless ONU Based on All-VCSEL Sources With Remote Optical Injection for WDM-PON. Proceeding of 2011 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 2011, 1~2
[9] Lei Deng, JesperBevensee Jensen, Xianbin Yu, Deming Liu and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. In-building Unlicensed WiFi Band OFDM Signal Distribution over MMF & BIF Using VCSEL. Proceeding of 2011 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 2011, 1~2
[10] Lei Deng, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Pang, Xianbin Yu, Deming Liu and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Intra and Inter-PON ONU to ONU Virtual Private Networking Using OFDMA in A Ring Topology. Proceeding of 2011 International Topical Meeting on & Microwave Photonics Conference (MWP), 2011, 1~4.
[11] Lei Deng, Deming Liu, Minming Zhang, and YinboQian. A High Sensitivity and Large Dynamic Input Range O-E-O Optical Wavelength Converter for Hybrid PONs. Proceeding of 2009 Photonics and Optoelectronics Meeting (POEM), SPIE, 2009, 1~7
[12] Xiaodan Pang, Antonio Caballero Jambrina, Anton KonstantinovichDogadaev, Valeria Arlunno, Lei Deng, Robert Borkowski, Jesper S. Pedersen, DarkoZibar, Xianbin Yu, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. 25 Gbit/s QPSK Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Transmission in the W-band (75-110 GHz) With Remote Antenna Unit for In-Building Wireless Networks. IEEE Photon. J., 2012 (Accepted)
[13] Xiaodan Pang, Xianbin Yu, Ying Zhao, Lei Deng, DarkoZibar, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Experimental Characterization of a Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Transmission Link in the 75 to 110 GHz Band. Opt. Eng., 2012, 51(4): 045004-1~045004-5
[14] Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Pang, Lei Deng, Xianbin Yu, Xiaoping Zheng, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Ultra-Broadband Photonic Harmonic Mixer Based on Optical Comb Generation. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2012, 24(1): 16~18
[15] Ying Zhao, Lei Deng, Xiaodan Pang, Xianbin Yu, Xiaoping Zheng, Hanyi Zhang, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. Digital Predistortion of 75-110 GHz W-band Frequency Multiplier for Fiber Wireless Short Range Access Systems. Opt. Express, 2011, 19(26): B18~B25
[16] MaisaraBinti Othman, Lei Deng, Xiaodan Pang, J. Caminos, W. Kozuch, Kamau Prince, Xianbin Yu, JesperBevensee Jensen, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. MIMO-OFDM WDM PON with DM-VCSEL for Femtocells Application. Opt. Express, 2011, 19(26): B537~B542
[17] Xiaodan Pang, Antonio Caballero Jambrina, Anton K. Dogadaev, Valeria Arlunno, Robert Borkowski, Jesper S. Pedersen, Lei Deng, FotiniKarinou, Fabien Roubeau, DarkoZibar, Xianbin Yu, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. 100 Gbit/s Hybrid Optical Fiber-Wireless Link in the W-band (75-110 GHz). Opt. Express, 2011, 19(25): 24944~24949
[18] Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Pang, Lei Deng, Xianbin Yu, Xiaoping Zheng, Bingkun Zhou, and IdelfonsoTafurMonroy. High Accuracy Microwave Frequency Measurement Based on Single-Drive Dual-Parallel Mach-Zehnder Modulator. Opt. Express, 2011, 19(26): B681~B686