关于忆阻器,你所不知道的 10 件事 Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Memristors
作者: 时间:2016-09-30 浏览:
时 间: 2016年6月22日10: 00 - 11 : 30
地 点: 南五楼612学术报告厅
报告人: Leon Chua 教授,加州大学伯克利分校
邀请人: 缪向水 教授
What is a Memristor? What are the fingerprint and signature of memristors? How does a real-world memristor device differ from an ideal memristor? Why does the DC V-I characteristics of an ideal memristor consist of only “one point”? Why does the AC V-I characteristics of all memristors consist of a family of pinched hysteresis loops? How does the pinched hysteresis loop of a memristor depend on the amplitude, frequency, and initial condition? How does the POP (Power-Off Plot) of a memristor determine whether it is a non-volatile or volatile memory device? What is the difference between a continuum and a discrete non-volatile memory? What is the difference between a locally-passive memristor and locally-active memristor? Why are brains made of memristors?
The answer to the above questions and other FAQ will be given in this talk.
蔡少棠(Leon O. Chua)现为美国加州大学伯克利分校电气工程与计算机科学系荣休教授,是欧洲科学院和匈牙利科学院的外籍院士、IEEE Fellow。1961年在麻省理工学院获硕士学位,1964年在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校获博士学位。1971年成为加州大学伯克利分校教授。蔡少棠教授是“非线性电路理论之父”、“细胞神经网络之父”和“忆阻器之父”,被授予洛桑联邦理工学院、德累斯顿工业大学、鲁汶大学、香港理工大学等16所大学的荣誉博士学位。此外,蔡教授还荣获了诸多的国际奖项,包括1967年获IEEE Browder J. Thompson纪念奖,1972/1985/1989年三次获得IEEE Guillemin-Cauer奖,1973年因忆阻器的开创性论文获得IEEE W.R.G. Baker Prize Paper Award,1974年获得Frederick Emmons Award,1982年获洪堡高级美国科学家奖),1985年获IEEE百年纪念奖,1995/1998年获得Mac Van Valkenburg Award,2000年获得IEEE神经网络先驱奖,2005年因其在非线性电路理论领域的开创性贡献获得首届IEEE 基尔霍夫奖奖,2010年被授予John Guggenheim Fellow以及Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship,2011年被英国帝国理工学院授予Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Visiting Fellowship,2013年获欧盟玛丽居里院士奖。
Often introduced as the father of the tiger mother, Leon Chua is the inventor of the memristor, Chua Circuit, and Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNN). He is also known as the father of Nonlinear Circuit Theory. A fellow of the IEEE since 1975, Dr. Chua has been conferred 16 Honorary Doctorates from major universities worldwide. He has received numerous awards, including the first IEEE Kirchhoff Award, the Terman Award, a Guggenheim Fellow, and the European Union Marie-Currie Fellow. Dr. Chua is a member of the European Academic of Science and of the Hungarian Academy of Science.