主 题:
氮化物和SiC光电子器件的数值仿真与实验研究 (
Numerical modelling and experimental demonstration for Nitride and SiC optoelectronic and electronic devices )
时 间: 2019 年 9月 10日 10 : 00 - 11: 00
地 点:
南五楼 612 学术报告厅
张紫辉 教授, 河北工业大学
张敏明 教授
In this report, we will present our most recent results on numerical modelling and experimental demonstration for Nitride and SiC optoelectronic and electronic devices. We firstly present our designs to increase the carrier injection efficiency for AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and we find that the carrier injection can be improved if the carrier energy is properly manipulated by e.g., polarization engineering, doping modulation. We also improve the current spreading effect by locally modulating the doping type, and the underlying device physics is revealed. Secondly, we also investigate the device physics for GaN based core/shell LEDs and Micro-LEDs. Different parameters that affect the carrier transport and the carrier recombination process have been studied in detail. Lastly, we will also present our preliminary numerical modelling progress on GaN based VCSELs, GaN based mesa-type power Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) and 4H-SiC based avalanche photo-detectors (APDs).
张紫辉,男,生于1983年,2006年毕业于山东大学并获得理学学士学位,2015年毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学并获博士学位,后留校担任南洋理工大学研究员,目前担任河北工业大学教授、博士生导师、。主要研究化合物半导体器件工艺、器件仿真、器件物理。目前已经在Applied Physics Letters、Optics Express、Optics Letters等领域内权威期刊发表SCI科研论文近90篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表文章60多篇(包括综述文章3篇);受邀以第一作者身份为3部学术专著(Handbook of GaN Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Handbook for Solid-State Lighting and LEDs,均由CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group于2017年出版;Light-Emitting Diodes – Materials, Processes, Devices and Applications,Springer) 分别撰写章节1章,撰写Springer Book Series 学术著作1部;授权发明专利20多项。研究工作先后10多次分别被英国《今日半导体-Semiconductor Today》杂志、美国Applied Physics Letters、Advanced Science News、德国Wiley杂志社做专门报道,或被列为主题文章(Feature Article)、封面文章(Front Cover)。先后承担国家级、省部级及各类人才项目10项,参与科技部重点研发计划1项。