标 题:可集成微纳激光器(Micro & Nano Lasers for Integration)
时 间: 2020 年 12 月 16 日 14 : 30 – 17 : 30
地 点: 新光电信息大楼 C114 室
报告人: 张昭宇,香港中文大学(深圳)副教授 、半导体激光器重点实验室主任
邀请人: 李德慧 教授
With the fast development of optical communication and data center, the ultrasmall lasers that can be monolithically integrated with silicon photonics/electronics will be an important solution for lowering the loss and cost. This talk will present the low-threshold lasing in InAs/GaAs quantum dot microdisk and photonic crystal lasers monolithically grown on on-axis Si (001) substrate. The lasing emission of microdisk lasers with a sub-wavelength scale (diameter ~1.1 μm) was demonstrated, of which an ultra-low threshold ~3 μW was obtained. Lasing emission from both the ground state and higher excited states were observed. Besides, the ultra-small photonic crystal membrane lasers monolithically grown on CMOS-compatible Si substrate was also demonstrated. The photonic crystal lasers were continuous-wave optically pumped under room-temperature with a low threshold ~1.2 μW and operated up to 70 0C, which provide an advanced route of densely integrated laser sources for chip-scale photonic integrated circuits. The promising lasing characteristics of the microdisk and photonic crystal lasers with low lasing threshold and small footprint provide a viable route towards large-scale, low-cost integration of laser sources on a silicon platform.
1. 无机半导体激光器方向围绕可单片集成的硅基微纳激光器的研发展开工作,分别在近红外通信波段及中红外波段开展激光器的设计、制成和理论研究。2. 有机半导体激光器方向围绕有机微纳LED和激光器的设计、制成和理论展开研究,发光材料包含有机材料及钙钛矿。近三年课题组在Nature Communication, Advanced Materials, Physics Review Letters, Optica, Photonics research, Optics Letters, Applied Physics Letters 等国际刊物发表多篇一作/通信作者文章。