为提高研究生课程的教学水平和国际化程度,光学与电子信息学院邀请Ohannes Eknoyan教授予2019年9-10月访问我校,并承担了学院研究生基础课程《光子学与光电子学》的部分教学任务。Eknoyan教授全程英文教学,教学方法深入浅出,能够从简单的基础理论出发推导出相关的定理与规律,同时Eknoyan教授采用了surface进行教学,教学的板书实现全电子化。
Ohannes Eknoyan系美国德克萨斯A&M大学电子与计算机工程系资深教授(Senior Professor),1975年在哥伦比亚大学电子工程系取得博士学位。1975年起先后任德克萨斯A&M大学电子工程系助理教授、副教授、教授和资深教授,主要研究方向为集成光学和光电子学。

附:《光子学与光电子学》课程大纲 (Eknoyan教授主要讲授了 第3、5、6章的内容)
Course Outline:
Chapter 1 Introductions
1.1 Introductions on photonics and optoelectronics
Chapter 2 Electromagnetic Optics
2.1 Concepts of wave optics
2.2 Dispersion and diffraction
2.3 Propagation of optical pulse in dispersive media
2.4 Energy of electromagnetic wave
2.5 Coherence
2.6 Propagation of Gaussian beams
2.7 Polarization optics and applications
2.8 Phase-matching in nonlinear optics
2.8 Photonic-crystal optics
Chapter 3 Waveguide and fiber optics
3.1 Planar-mirror and planar dielectric waveguides
3.2 Dispersions of waveguides
3.3 Waveguides coupling
3.4 Introduction to fibers
3.6 Loss and dispersion
3.7 Special fibers
3.8 FBG and applications
Chapter 4 Photons and interactions of photons with atoms
4.1 Concepts of photon
4.2 Quantum states of light
4.3 Energy levels and coupling
4.4 Interactions of photons with atoms
4.5 Supplements
Chapter 5 Lasers and Laser Amplifiers
5.1 Radiations of photons
5.2 Theory of laser amplification and common laser amplifiers
5.3 Theory of laser oscillation
5.5 Characteristics of lasers
5.6 Common lasers
Chapter 6 Semiconductor optics
6.1 Semiconductors
6.2 Interactions of photons with semiconductors
6.3 Semiconductor photon sources:LED、LD, and QCL
6.4 Photodetectors
6.5 Photoelectric effects
6.6 Noise in photodetectors
6.7 Imaging sensors
6.8 Photovoltaic Devices: Solar Cells
Chapter 7 Acousto-Optics and electro-optics
7.1 Interaction of Light and Sound
7.2 Acousto-Optic Devices
7.3 Principles of Electro-Optics
7.4 Applications of Electro-Optic Devices
Chapter 8 Introductions of nonlinear optics
8.1 Nonlinear Optical Media
8.2 Common Nonlinear Effects
8.3 Solitons
Chapter 9 Ultrafast Optics
9.1 Principles of Ultrafast Optics
9.2 Pulse Propagation and Shaping
9.3 Applications of Ultrafast Optics