1、许艳菲博士,Marie Curie Fellow (欧盟玛丽居里学者/博士后),主要研究石墨烯的可控功能化、光电性质研究及其在非线性光学、光检测器、光伏电池、透明电 极、场效应晶体管器件领域中的应用。
2、孙海定博士,波士顿大学PhD Candidate & Research Assistant,主要研究领域:My research interests cover both the theoretical and experimental aspects of the physics of Group III-Nitrides(AlInGaN) based optoelectronics materials and devices & the physics of quantum well structures, and nanostructure and plasmonics. The experimental aspects include the material epitaxy with molecular beam epitaxy(MBE) & device fabrications of III-Nitride semiconductor optoelectronics devices. The device applications addressed in my research include semiconductor light emitting diodes (LEDs) and semiconductor lasers for non-line of sight communications and biomedical applications.
3、张川博士,明尼苏达大学PhD Candidate,主要研究方向包括:Efficient Hardware Design for Polar Decoder(With thorough investigation of the dependent flow graph for polar decoders, VLSI-DSP techniques are employed to achieve the best compromise within decoder latency, throughput, and hardware consumption);Architecture for Reed-Solomon Based Non-Binary LDPC Decoders(By exploring shifting properties of Reed-Solomon based non-binary LDPC codes, layer decoding at different levels has been employed to increase both design efficiency and flexibility)
4、刘小赤博士,法国FEMTO-ST Ph.D student, 主要研究Coherent Population Trapping Atomic Clock. The objective of my actual research is to develop a Bi-Frequency Bi-Polarization (BiFBiP) laser system to detect a high contrast of a Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) resonance. This technique can improve the short term frequency stability of a CPT atomic clock. In the classical CPT clock, the contrast of a CPT resonance is about 1%. Inspired by the different optimized CPT clocks, I have proposed a BiFBiP system and some advanced phase noise reduction techniques to apply in a CPT atomic clock. By using such a system and phase noise reduction technique, CPT resonance with contrast up to 50% is observed.