时 间:2023年3月29日16 : 00 - 17 : 30
地 点:Zoom Meeting ID: 925 7323 3866 Passcode: 320347
报告人:Prof. Mikhail V.RybinITMO University
邀请人: 张诚 教授
In this talk, I will speak about our results on bound states in the continuum (BIC) including basic problems and tasks related to applications. I start with introduction to BIC and general questions on BIC robustness on structural disorder and super-cavity modes in a subwavelength dielectric particle. Finally, I turn to the lasing empowered by BIC modes and switchable structures with BIC.
Prof. Mikhail V.Rybinreceived Ph.D. (2009) and Habilitation (Doctor of Science) (2018) degrees in Physics from theLoffeInstitute (St. Petersburg, Russia). In 2010, he joined the School of Physics and Engineering at ITMO University, where currently he is a senior research fellow and head of theQuasiLabgroup. The current topics of his research include bound states in the continuum, phase change materials, quasicrystals, resonant interaction of light with photonic structures,Fanoresonances, all-dielectric metamaterials, photonic crystals, andnanoantennas. He has published over 100 papers in journals including Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, and Physical Review Letters, with citations of over 4000.